The Bahá’i Faith community of Roswell, GA
Baha'is of Roswell, GA

A Faith for Today

by ed in About the Baha'i Faith
Over a century ago Bahá’u’lláh taught that religious truth is not final but progressive. Religion is renewed, He said, in every age to re-establish and apply the unchanging principles found in the scriptures of the Great Religions of the world to the needs of the present day. The entrenched powers of 19th century Persian orthodoxy vehemently opposed His message but now His Faith is spread around the world. Here in Roswell as in Europe, Africa, [...]
  • Attend an informal presentation about the Baha’i Faith or participate in a Study Circle.
  • Attend devotional gatherings together with others who recognize our need to connect with our creator.

Our Destiny

Background image of the Universe Cant show globe; browser does not support the canvas element
The earth is but one country...
...and mankind its citizens.
- Bahá’u’lláh
About the Baha'i Faith

The time has come…

The world we live in Whether we call it “modernity”, or by some other name, there is a universal recognition that there is something very different about the world we live in today – something […]

About the Baha'i Faith

The Bahá’í Calendar

In July 2014 made significant changes to the The Bahá’í Calendar. This page describes the Bahá’í Calendar as it exists now (since those changes).    A separate page discusses how those changes differed from the previously […]

About the Baha'i Faith

Baha’is around the World

The worldwide Baha’i Community is Diverse and Dynamic! Here we offer a glimpse into some of the things Baha’is are doing around the world. More than 430 Baha’is from 12 different countries attended this Norwegian […]

About the Baha'i Faith

World Peace and the Bahá’í Faith

Bahá’u’lláh counsels mankind: “Let your vision be world-embracing, rather than confined to your own self.” The Bahá’í Writings delineate a practical and new relationship between the nations and peoples of the world.  While a prisoner […]

Upcoming Events

  • July 30, 2024
    • Kamál (Perfection)Kamál (Perfection)Baháʼí Month of Kamál (Perfection) begins at sunset.
    • LSA Meeting at 7:30 pmLSA MeetingTime: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    • Nineteen Day Feast of Kamal (Perfection) at 7:30 pmNineteen Day Feast of Kamal (Perfection)Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
      Host: Noura Abdi-Tabari

Random Quote

…every one of the divine religions contains essential ordinances, which are not subject to change, and material ordinances, which are abrogated according to the exigencies of time. But the people of the world have forsaken the divine teachings and followed forms and imitations of the truth. Inasmuch as these human interpretations and superstitions differ, dissensions and bigotry have arisen, and strife and warfare have prevailed. By investigating the truth or foundation of reality underlying their own and other beliefs, all would be united and agreed, for this reality is one; it is not multiple and not divisible.

— Abdu’l-Baha
